JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade, Here’s Why

Monday, June 5th, 2023

The electrical panel is one of the essential components for daily living in your home. However, you probably don’t give much thought to it except when a breaker trips and you have to go to the panel to reset it. This is about as much interaction as most people have with their electrical panel.

Because people don’t often deal with their home’s electrical panel, it’s easy for them to think the panel will last forever and never need an upgrade. While panels can last for several decades, they often need upgrades earlier than this, and it’s important to know when your panel is ready to be replaced. 

We’ll provide you with a guide to when it’s time to call an electrician in Lavonia to upgrade your home’s panel.

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Troubleshooting Your Broken Smoke Detector

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

A broken smoke detector, just like a broken alarm of any kind, isn’t any worth to you. If you’ve got a busted smoke detector, you can always call our team for smoke detector repair or a full replacement (often the better option if you’ve got a detector more than 10 years old). However, in some cases you can troubleshoot your faulty smoke detector and solve the problem yourself. 

We’re going to go into some of the steps you can take to see if there’s a simple answer to your faulty smoke detector.

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How Attic Fans Help Prevent Mold and High Temperatures

Monday, April 24th, 2023

The term attic fan sometimes triggers confusion in people. Why have a fan in the attic? People don’t spend much time up there unless a conversion turned it into a bedroom. 

But attic fans serve several important functions for a house, and we strongly recommend locals consider having attic fan installation. We offer this service, as well as other electrical work to keep attic fans performing their useful jobs.

Below, we’ll look at what an attic fan does and how it prevents climate issues and mold growth in a house.

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Troubleshooting Your Broken Smoke Detector

Monday, March 13th, 2023

It beeps when you burn steak, but it also alerts you to life-threatening disasters. Your smoke detector is like Nicolas Cage in The Weatherman. Hated but then mostly thought to be pretty cool when it serves its purpose.

But how do you know when you need a smoke detector repair so you can keep that burning popcorn alert system alive and well for when you really need it?

First, we troubleshoot to see if there’s a problem, then what the problem is, and whether or not you need to make a call for repair services.

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7 Signs That Your House Needs Rewiring Work

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Your home’s electrical system is the champion of your home. It keeps you comfortable and runs everything in your home, but it might be in trouble.

Houses need to be rewired from time to time, but it’s difficult to know if you need electrical rewiring in Hart County or not. Thankfully there are a few ways to tell.

Let’s help you find out with these 7 signs that your house is struggling and in dire need of rewiring. If any of these list items jump out at you, be sure to take them seriously.

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5 Electrical Improvements We Can Help With

Monday, October 10th, 2022
Man repairing and upgrading electrical panel for home electrical upgrade.

We all strive to be more energy efficient and safer than we were yesterday. You spend a lot of time in your home and deserve a comfortable quality of life that you can be proud of.

When it comes to energy efficiency, it is good to keep your electrical systems in mind, not just your AC or heater. These are a few ways we can help improve your home functionality without upping your electrical bills.

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Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

One of the easiest ways to tell that you need to upgrade your electrical system is when you still have a fuse box. Some homes still have this outdated “panel” controlling their electricity and many are discovering that it just isn’t able to keep up anymore.

Fuse boxes are absolutely something that should be upgraded to an electrical panel. However, what if you already have an electrical panel and you aren’t sure if it needs an upgrade or not?

Our electricians in Stephens County, GA can help determine if and when you need an electrical panel upgrade. Let’s look at some warning signs you can check for to help get you started.

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The Benefits of Installing a Ceiling Fan

Monday, July 4th, 2022

The next several months will be pretty hot which means that we all need every tip and trick in the book to stay cool. If you have an effective and efficient air conditioner in your home, then you are already on track to enjoy the season with a reasonably comfortable home.

But we want to let you in on a fun fact: you can use your AC less this summer while still keeping cool. How? By installing a ceiling fan.

Let’s look at how a ceiling fan could be the best investment to keep your home comfortable this summer.

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4 Things That Cause Frequent Circuit Trips

Monday, March 14th, 2022

You go to plug in your phone and the circuit trips. You start using your hairdryer and a circuit trips. Your heater turns on and the circuit trips. These are all frustrating situations that have one common cause: something is up with your electrical system.

Circuit trips happen. Occasional trips are going to be a safety measure that protects both your electrical system and you. However, if you can barely do anything without tripping a circuit, then you probably have a problem on your hands.

Our team is proud to provide electrical services in Hart County, GA including being able to get to the root of what is causing those frequent circuit trips.

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Why Invest in Surge Protection

Monday, January 17th, 2022

If the power goes out for your home, you have a good number of problems on your hands to deal with. Thankfully, the power shouldn’t be out for too long in most cases and you’ll get back to normal once the lights come back on.

The issue with this is that a power outage can leave behind some nasty damage in your home. This is because electrical problems like this can lead to power surges and those surges can easily damage or completely destroy the electrical components of some major appliances in your home.

This is why a surge protector is a great idea for any home. You can talk to an electrician in Madison County, GA about how and why surge protection is a worthwhile investment. Get some of the details you need below!

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