JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

Is a Heat Pump a Great Investment?

Monday, March 25th, 2024

As the world moves towards more sustainable energy solutions, the spotlight on heat pumps is brighter than ever. These innovative devices offer both heating and cooling functionalities while significantly reducing carbon footprints.

However, are heat pumps truly a great investment? In this article, we will delve into the factors to consider when evaluating the investment value of heat pumps and the suitability of heat pump installation in Madison County, Georgia.

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Why Your Heat Pump Won’t Heat

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Heat pumps offer many benefits to homeowners, but the biggest one is their combination of heating and cooling functions in one unit. When the colder weather of winter comes around, all it takes to change a heat pump into heating mode is an adjustment on the thermostat.

But heat pumps can malfunction, just like any other machine, and you might find yourself in a situation where your heat pump isn’t doing the “heat” half of its job. This is frustrating during the winter, but it’s often something you can fix either through basic troubleshooting or by calling JN Electrical Temperature Control for heat pump repair in Hart County.

In this post, we’ll examine several common reasons why you may have a heat pump that won’t heat and what you can do about it.

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Important Reminder: A Heat Pumps Needs Maintenance Twice a Year

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Fall is the time of year when we make a special point of reminding our customers to schedule professional maintenance to tune up and inspect their heating systems. Maintenance is an essential step to ensuring a heater works at its most effective and energy efficient throughout the winter, with few repair issues or interruptions in service.

Maintenance means a longer service life for a heater as well. All around, it’s one of the best services you can have for your heater. But what if you have a heat pump? You may have scheduled maintenance for it back in the spring. Isn’t that enough? Do you really need additional heat pump service in Franklin County in the fall?

The answer is an emphatic “we’re-going-to-bold-and-italicize-it” yes! Any heat pump needs to have maintenance twice during the year: first in spring, then in fall. 

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When Is It Time for Heat Pump Replacement?

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Your heat pump is “old reliable” but it’s starting to show its age. In fact, it’s showing a lot of things. If you’re wondering whether or not your heat pump has one foot in the grave, this is what you need to know.

Before you pick up the phone and call for heat pump replacement in Hart County, let’s run through some signs that your heat pump may be on its way out.

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4 Things to Know Before a New Heat Pump Installation

Monday, December 5th, 2022
Heat pump unit.

You’re about to install a new HVAC system in your home. The old one will be remembered, but it has served its purpose. With so many different options to heat and cool your home, it’s difficult to choose. We’re about to make it easier for you.

Heat pumps come with numerous benefits that homeowners can enjoy over their old separate systems. We’ll let you be the judge, but if you ask us, heat pumps are the next step in home heating and cooling. Let’s find out whether or not you’ll be scheduling heat pump installation in Madison County sooner rather than later.

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Would a Heat Pump Help Your Home?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

The climate around here has been pleasant and mild. It has been great for picnics and small get-togethers. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be preparing for the cooler weather soon to come. You’ve likely already noticed that things are getting pretty chilly at night. This isn’t a problem if you have a reliable heater though.

We are here today to talk to those of you that don’t have a good whole-house heating system. If you’ve been getting by with portable heaters or a heating system that barely works, we want to talk to you about a system that could greatly benefit your comfort: a heat pump.

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Ever Heard of a Heat Pump?

Monday, July 6th, 2020

When you hear the word “heat pump” your brain might just to the conclusion that this is a system that only produces heat. You’re only half right if you think this because heat pumps are able to produce cool air too.

If you haven’t heard of heat pumps before, we would love to be the ones to tell you more about them. Why? Because they are fantastic comfort systems that may be exactly what you need to get you through the sweltering summer temperatures we encounter here in Hart County.

What’s more, if you think a heat pump is the best fit for your home comfort needs, we can be your go-to resource for installation and other heat pump services that will help keep your home livable.

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