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Have You Scheduled Heater Maintenance Yet?


This is the time of year when your heater is going to start being used regularly if that isn’t happening already. You don’t want to kick off the year without getting your system maintained though. This would be like running in a marathon with little to no training!

If you haven’t gotten a tune-up for your heater. now is the time to get that done. There are a lot of benefits that come from getting maintenance done for your system each year. Let’s look at why you want to get a professional out to your house today to provide expert maintenance on your system.

The Benefits That Maintenance Brings You

Getting a tune-up for your system is a good idea for multiple reasons. Here are the benefits you’ll enjoy when you make sure to get this service done yearly.

Your heater will have better energy efficiency

Without maintenance, you may lose up to 5% of your system’s energy efficiency. That is going to increase your energy bills but not your comfort. Regular maintenance each year is going to help your system keep up to 95% of its original energy efficiency over the course of its lifespan. This applies to both the use of electricity and natural gas.

Your heater will need fewer repairs

When you get maintenance on a regular basis, it is also going to reduce the need for heating repair in Stephens County, GA. Let’s be clear, this doesn’t mean you’ll never need a repair for your system. But it will reduce the chance of development of a repair need immensely. Maintenace can help prevent up to 85% of your system repairs. It does this by simply allowing a technician to find and address small issues in the system, such as dirt build-up or loose parts, that would escalate into repair needs over the course of the heating season.

The system is going to operate more effectively

Professional maintenance is also going to help your system run more effectively as well. Small hindrances that otherwise would have slowed down the creation and distribution of heat will be addressed during your tune-up. This means that those hindrances won’t be around to mess with the heating process and leave you uncomfortable on a cold day.

Your heating bills will be more affordable

Last but not least, maintenance helps make the operation of your heater far more affordable. Firstly, it helps your system run more efficiently which means it uses less energy and/or fuel to get the job done. Less energy used means lower energy bills. On top of that, a heater in better condition will need fewer repairs which means you won’t have to pay nearly as much to keep your system running properly.

When you need someone to provide maintenance for your heating system, it is best to turn to a professional technician. The pros on our team can offer the services you need and back it up with a guarantee that the job will be done right.

Feel The Difference when you schedule your next maintenance appointment with JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc. Proudly serving you since 1997.

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