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Here Are the Warnings Signs That You Need Heater Repair


We’d advise just about everyone to layer up when the weather gets colder. This allows you to stay comfortable without needing to press your heater for extra work. This is a great idea for keeping yourself comfortable while keeping your heating bills manageable but it shouldn’t be the only thing keeping you warm. If it is, it may mean that you need some help with your heating in Hart County, GA.

A heater that is struggling to do its job effectively or efficiently should be checked out by a professional technician. The problem may be due to the fact that your system needs repairs.

Here are some of the indicators that you should schedule heating repairs today and some helpful tips to keep you warm in the interim.

5 Signs Your Heater Needs Repairs

Not sure whether your heater actually needs repairs or not? Here are some of the key indicators that it is time to reach out for professional service to get your system back in operation.

  1. Your heater is short cycling or running constantly. Your heater turns on but only runs for a few minutes before shutting off. Or, maybe your heater never seems to stop running. In either of these cases, you have a heater that needs help to address irregular cycling.
  2. You have cold spots around the house. The hall is warm but the office isn’t or perhaps you have warm bedrooms but a freezing cold kitchen. Cold spots aren’t someone to just accept–they are a sign that there is an issue in your heating system stopping the warmth from reaching these parts of the home.
  3. You notice strange noises when running the heater. Heaters don’t run silently but they also shouldn’t make a large amount of noise. If you are hearing sounds like rattling, clanging, screeching, hissing, or booming, it is time to have a technician check out your system.
  4. Your heating bills are getting too expensive. Have you noticed that your energy bills are getting more and more expensive each month? That isn’t normal unless someone is trying to get your home to reach 80°. High energy bills may be a sign that your heater needs repairs.
  5. You notice an odd smell when your heater is running. Last but not least, don’t ignore any strange smells that pop up while your heater is running. The smell of musty socks, burning dust, or burning electrical wires are all causes for concern. The smell of gas is a reason to shut off your system immediately and call emergency services before scheduling repairs.

5 Tips To Help You Keep Warm

You made the call to the pros for heater repairs and now all you need to do is wait until someone arrives to fix your system. But, if your heater can’t produce heat, how will you stay warm until the system is fixed? Here are some ideas to help you avoid a bad chill:

  1. If you have a fireplace, make use of it now!
  2. Layer up as much as you can
  3. Have everyone gather in one room to keep warm
  4. Make some hot food and drinks
  5. Let the sunlight in during the day.

Need help with your heater? Feel the Difference when you schedule your heater repairs with JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc.

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