Troubleshooting Your Broken Smoke Detector

May 22nd, 2023

A broken smoke detector, just like a broken alarm of any kind, isn’t any worth to you. If you’ve got a busted smoke detector, you can always call our team for smoke detector repair or a full replacement (often the better option if you’ve got a detector more than 10 years old). However, in some cases you can troubleshoot your faulty smoke detector and solve the problem yourself. 

We’re going to go into some of the steps you can take to see if there’s a simple answer to your faulty smoke detector.

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The 50% Rule on Air Conditioner Replacement

May 8th, 2023

Your air conditioner undergoes repairs, there’s a bill you have to foot, and the world keeps on spinning. It’s part of being a homeowner and owning an air conditioner, but there’s a point where you need to stop paying for repairs and consider replacement instead.

AC replacement in Hartwell is the best solution if your air conditioner falls under the 50% rule. Let’s talk about it right now so you can know whether it’s time for a replacement or not.

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How Attic Fans Help Prevent Mold and High Temperatures

April 24th, 2023

The term attic fan sometimes triggers confusion in people. Why have a fan in the attic? People don’t spend much time up there unless a conversion turned it into a bedroom. 

But attic fans serve several important functions for a house, and we strongly recommend locals consider having attic fan installation. We offer this service, as well as other electrical work to keep attic fans performing their useful jobs.

Below, we’ll look at what an attic fan does and how it prevents climate issues and mold growth in a house.

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What to Do When Your AC Is Leaking Refrigerant

April 10th, 2023

Air conditioning refrigerant, sometimes referred to by the brand name “Freon,” is an essential part of how a cooling system works. If refrigerant begins to leak out of an AC system, it’s a serious problem that will first affect the performance of the air conditioner and eventually cause it to completely break down.

If you believe your air conditioner is losing refrigerant to leaks, what should you do? Is there a way you can repair it yourself?

The simple answer is that you should shut down your air conditioner and call for professionals to come and repair it. You cannot fix this problem yourself for several reasons. In fact, it isn’t even legal for you to repair it yourself, and there’s a threat of injury. We’ll get into the details below, but if you’re ready to call us for AC repair in Hart County to get your leaking AC fixed, please do so now.

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Sounds That May Mean HVAC Disaster

March 27th, 2023

Your HVAC unit can get noisy every once in a while, but that’s normal… right? Well, it is, unless you regularly encounter sounds like this.

These bad noises can mean you need to call for repairs, but instead of getting stuck in a Google search loop by typing in “repairs for HVAC near me” then scanning the results, you should get ahead of the curve and already have an HVAC company in mind (hint hint, wink wink). Let’s talk about what sounds you should listen out for, and what they mean.

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Troubleshooting Your Broken Smoke Detector

March 13th, 2023

It beeps when you burn steak, but it also alerts you to life-threatening disasters. Your smoke detector is like Nicolas Cage in The Weatherman. Hated but then mostly thought to be pretty cool when it serves its purpose.

But how do you know when you need a smoke detector repair so you can keep that burning popcorn alert system alive and well for when you really need it?

First, we troubleshoot to see if there’s a problem, then what the problem is, and whether or not you need to make a call for repair services.

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IRA Impact: How the Inflation Reduction Act Directly Affects You

February 27th, 2023

The Inflation Reduction act is designed to help homeowners save money, upgrade their homes HVAC systems, and provide some environmental benefits as well.

With massive savings on the horizon, it’s important for you to know how it directly impacts you. We’ve already seen the national headlines and big figures, but now let’s focus on you and your home.

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How Attic Fans Can Prevent Mold, Mildew, and Lower the Temperature

February 13th, 2023

Attic fans are normally the last thing on anybody’s list of home improvements, but they really should be bumped up on the priority scale, especially if your home gets particularly hot in the summer.

Your attic can get ridiculously hot and impact the temperature of your home, which then directly affects your cooling costs. Some attics can even reach up to 150° F.

Let’s talk about attic fan installation and how it can prevent major issues for you and your family.

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7 Signs That Your House Needs Rewiring Work

January 30th, 2023

Your home’s electrical system is the champion of your home. It keeps you comfortable and runs everything in your home, but it might be in trouble.

Houses need to be rewired from time to time, but it’s difficult to know if you need electrical rewiring in Hart County or not. Thankfully there are a few ways to tell.

Let’s help you find out with these 7 signs that your house is struggling and in dire need of rewiring. If any of these list items jump out at you, be sure to take them seriously.

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When Is It Time for Heat Pump Replacement?

January 16th, 2023

Your heat pump is “old reliable” but it’s starting to show its age. In fact, it’s showing a lot of things. If you’re wondering whether or not your heat pump has one foot in the grave, this is what you need to know.

Before you pick up the phone and call for heat pump replacement in Hart County, let’s run through some signs that your heat pump may be on its way out.

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