It’s Time For a Filter Change–Here’s Why

February 28th, 2022

The filter in your heater (and your air conditioner) is meant to protect the internal components of those systems. While it doesn’t harm your indoor air quality, you should also know that improving the quality of the air you breathe isn’t its main purpose.

All that said, your air filter is highly important to your home comfort. Without it, your HVAC systems would likely run into even bigger problems on a more frequent basis. Let’s dive into how your air filter can protect your home comfort system and help minimize some of the needs for heating repair in Danielsville, GA, along with providing other benefits too.

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4 Things To Love About Professional Installations

February 14th, 2022

There is a reason why some wounds can be treated with a bandage while others require stitches and still others require surgery. Different severity requires the appropriate level of expertise! And that applies to taking care of your heater too.

One of the most important expert services that you can schedule is a heater installation in Danielsville, GA. While this isn’t the same as getting repairs for your heater, getting a professional installation can be something that sets the tone for your system’s efficacy and makes it far easier to take care of it over the years.

Let’s explore why professional installations are so important to your long-term home comfort.

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Why Invest in Surge Protection

January 17th, 2022

If the power goes out for your home, you have a good number of problems on your hands to deal with. Thankfully, the power shouldn’t be out for too long in most cases and you’ll get back to normal once the lights come back on.

The issue with this is that a power outage can leave behind some nasty damage in your home. This is because electrical problems like this can lead to power surges and those surges can easily damage or completely destroy the electrical components of some major appliances in your home.

This is why a surge protector is a great idea for any home. You can talk to an electrician in Madison County, GA about how and why surge protection is a worthwhile investment. Get some of the details you need below!

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5 Reasons You Should Start the New Year With a New Heater

January 3rd, 2022

Did you make resolutions to start off the new year? Chances are that you did! Whether you are looking to spend more time being active or looking to read some extra books this year, we’d suggest adding one more resolution to your list. Resolve to enjoy better home comfort!

We know this may seem easier said than done. However, with our help, improving your comfort level is as easy as, well, scheduling an appointment! This is because you can count on us to take care of upgrading your heating in Madison County, GA

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Is Your Electrical System Handling Your Holiday Decorations?

December 20th, 2021

You spent a lot of time getting your holiday lights up and running. The same thing applies to your indoor decorations too. So if some of your decor isn’t as bright as it is supposed to be, or turning them on comes at a cost to the rest of the house’s electricity, it may mean you have a problem on your hands.

Every home’s electrical system is managed with an electrical panel and that panel, and the system it serves, have limits. This is especially true if you have an older home. Your electrical system may be struggling to keep up with your electrical demands for a multitude of reasons. The good news is that an electrician in Hart County, GA is going to be able to help you address this problem.

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Here Are the Warnings Signs That You Need Heater Repair

December 6th, 2021

We’d advise just about everyone to layer up when the weather gets colder. This allows you to stay comfortable without needing to press your heater for extra work. This is a great idea for keeping yourself comfortable while keeping your heating bills manageable but it shouldn’t be the only thing keeping you warm. If it is, it may mean that you need some help with your heating in Hart County, GA.

A heater that is struggling to do its job effectively or efficiently should be checked out by a professional technician. The problem may be due to the fact that your system needs repairs.

Here are some of the indicators that you should schedule heating repairs today and some helpful tips to keep you warm in the interim.

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Check Your Smoke and CO Detectors To Keep Yourself Safe

November 22nd, 2021

There are plenty of ways that we keep ourselves safe from harm in our daily lives. We wear seatbelts in our cars, we wear helmets when riding bikes, and we wash our hands after going to the bathroom. Safety takes on a lot of forms and, in some cases, it appears as a simple disc attached to the ceiling in your home.

That’s right, we are talking about your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. These often-forgotten parts of your home serve a big purpose: keeping everyone inside safe from harmful toxins!

When was the last time you checked to see how reliable your smoke or CO detectors were? If you aren’t sure, we’d say now is a good time to look things over with an electrician in Stephens County, GA.

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Have You Scheduled Heater Maintenance Yet?

November 8th, 2021

This is the time of year when your heater is going to start being used regularly if that isn’t happening already. You don’t want to kick off the year without getting your system maintained though. This would be like running in a marathon with little to no training!

If you haven’t gotten a tune-up for your heater. now is the time to get that done. There are a lot of benefits that come from getting maintenance done for your system each year. Let’s look at why you want to get a professional out to your house today to provide expert maintenance on your system.

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Don’t Let Your Energy Bills Scare You

October 25th, 2021

Grabbing the mail at the end of the month shouldn’t be something you are scared to do. Likewise, checking your email shouldn’t be a stressful experience either. However, if your energy bills have been out of control recently, you may be more hesitant than usual to see if you’ve got mail–especially if you are looking at the bill for a commercial space.

What if we told you that the utility bill for your commercial space shouldn’t be that out there? While keeping a larger storefront or office comfortable does cost more than cooling a home, it shouldn’t be so high that you have to choose between staying cool and keeping the lights on.

Let’s dive in to discuss what might be bugging your commercial HVAC in Carnesville, GA and how we can help address the problem and wrangle those energy bills back down.

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Take Advantage of Our Indoor Air Quality Test Bundle

October 13th, 2021

Did you know that EPA reports that air in our homes can be 5 to 100 times more polluted than outside air ‐ and that indoor air pollution is a serious problem?

As if the dust & particle pollution that we can see isn’t bad enough… the EPA also found that pollution that is caused by chemicals in common household materials, from cleaning products, carpet, and air fresheners to construction materials like glues, particleboard, can have a negative impact on our health!

The EPA has known about this for decades, but it doesn’t regulate indoor air. It’s up to each of us to investigate the air quality in our homes for ourselves.

We’ve bundled a 6‐Point Air Quality Test of the air in your home (usually $87) for no added charge when you schedule your heating system maintenance at the regular price. The test will help expose health or comfort concerns related to particles, chemicals, Carbon Dioxide, temperature, relative humidity, and Carbon Monoxide.

Thie bundle will allow your to take care of your home’s heating needs and your health, all at once.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment now and take advantage of this incredible bundle deal.

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