JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hart County’

Here Are the Warnings Signs That You Need Heater Repair

Monday, December 6th, 2021

We’d advise just about everyone to layer up when the weather gets colder. This allows you to stay comfortable without needing to press your heater for extra work. This is a great idea for keeping yourself comfortable while keeping your heating bills manageable but it shouldn’t be the only thing keeping you warm. If it is, it may mean that you need some help with your heating in Hart County, GA.

A heater that is struggling to do its job effectively or efficiently should be checked out by a professional technician. The problem may be due to the fact that your system needs repairs.

Here are some of the indicators that you should schedule heating repairs today and some helpful tips to keep you warm in the interim.

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Is Your Water Heater Hurting? 3 Signs You Need Repairs

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Encountering hot water trouble is never fun. Suddenly have to start figuring out where else you could take a shower before you go to work or how you can keep your dishes as clean as possible without the use of hot water. The loss of the system canned mess up your schedule and your daily life for quite a while– at least until your system gets fixed. 

Ultimately you want to discover any issues that your water heater has before it causes the system to completely lose the ability to produce hot water. That is tough however if you don’t know what to look for. 

We want you to be comfortable in your home. This is why we not only offer water heater repair in Hart County, GA but also will provide you with the warning signs to look for that indicate when you need to reach out for repairs.

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5 Signs You Need a New Electrical Panel

Monday, September 13th, 2021

There are some parts of your electrical system that you can upgrade or adjust yourself. For example, changing your lightbulbs in certain lamps around the house–this is an easy one! There are other parts of this system though that should be best left to the professionals such as wiring or upgrading your electrical panel.

Speaking of your electrical panel, how is yours holding up? Do you know how old it is? Is it giving you trouble? If you are starting to have issues with the flow of electricity in your home, you may want to call an electrician in Hart County, GA to see if your electrical panel needs to be upgraded.

Here is how to tell if you need to make that call.

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Humidity, Heat, and Your Home Comfort

Monday, August 16th, 2021

“It’s not the heat it’s the humidity”

Ever heard that phrase? Well, it may sound like just another complaint about the weather but it is actually a pretty astute observation. High humidity levels can do a lot to undermine your comfort, even with great temperature control.

Humidity levels between 30% to 50% are best for optimal comfort. But Mother Nature likes to kick things up a notch around here during summer. And, try as you might, some of that extra airborne moisture will get into your house. How can you combat high humidity levels and why do they make you so uncomfortable? We can answer these questions and more.

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3 Signs You Need a New Electrical Panel

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Imagine having a home that didn’t use any electricity. It’s possible, this much is true, but it would certainly eat up a lot of your time and money to replace the things that electricity provides to us. You’d have to use candles to see at night, hope that you’ll be able to stay cool in the summer, and find a way to keep your food cool for later use.

These and other things are all tasks and hassles we thankfully don’t have to deal with due to the fact that most modern homes have at least some electricity to use. To use that electricity safely though you need an electrical panel that is capable of handling all that power correctly.

If you have an electrical panel already (and there is a good chance that you do) there is a chance you are due for an upgrade. Here’s how to tell it’s time to get a new panel for your home.

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Can an Air Purifier Really Help My Health?

Monday, April 12th, 2021

The concerns regarding air pollution levels are on the rise in the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be five times as polluted as outdoor air. Many airborne particles continue to thrive indoors because indoor air is not circulated as much as the outside air. To eliminate this problem, you should invest in an air purifier! Air purifiers can refresh stale air and reduce the chances of health issues caused by indoor pollutants.

Let’s look at 4 health benefits of air purifiers:

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How to Make Your Heater’s Job Easier

Monday, March 15th, 2021

Your heater is built to work hard and keep you warm no matter how cold it gets. While this is great news for your comfort, it isn’t always the best when it comes time to pay your monthly energy bills. All that hard work adds up!

It pays pretty literally to do what you can to make things easier for your heater. Why? Because the less demand and stress is put on your Hart County, GA heating system, the more cash you are likely to save. And, not to worry, because it shouldn’t hurt your comfort either.

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5 Indicators It Is Time For an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, March 1st, 2021

The lights just went out again. Or maybe you have another outlet that has stopped working for you. These are frustrating situations to be sure. They’re also likely indicators that something is wrong with your electrical system.

It may be something somewhat small like issues with electrical wiring messing with that outlet. However if you are starting to notice more electrical troubles around the home that you just can’t seem to avoid then the issue may actually lie with your electrical panel.

It can be tough to tell when your electrical panel is ready to retire. But we are here to help. Here are some warning signs you should know that will tell you when it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade. If you notice any of these indicators make sure to reach out to us for professional electrical services ASAP.

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3 Signs Your Generator Needs Repairs

Monday, December 21st, 2020

When the weather gets wild, things can get a little concerning. High winds, flying tree branches, heavy rain, and other factors can make driving hard and more hazardous than usual. And then you have the concern of keeping your home running too. What happens if a tree goes down and takes a powerline with it?

Well, you have a whole-home generator so it shouldn’t be a problem right? This is true unless your generator is in need of an electrical repair in Hart County, GA. The question is, how can you tell you need repairs before the lights go out and you discover a problem?

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7 Tips to Keep You Safe This Season

Monday, December 7th, 2020

Safety is never far from many of our minds. When we come to your home to service your HVAC systems, your safety is always a priority along with your comfort. That is why we want to make sure that your home is going to be optimally safe this month.

To help, we’ve provided some great safety tips below for you to check out. Using these and other best practices you can ensure that your home is a safe place to be as we round out the year.

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